
The Attlee Gold Coin Company Limited was formed to take advantage of the gold market specializing in sovereigns as they do not attract 20% VAT- at present they are zero VAT rated. We have seen that the world needs a stable possition to deal in gold, where you can be assured that you will receive a fair price when buying and selling gold coins.

We have chosen the name Attlee from one of the British Prime Ministers, the Rt. Hon Clement Attlee foir several reasons:

  • He was a man of honor
  • He was selfless and known to have good intentions
  • On more than one occasion he steadied a hysterical world

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Picutured below is the triumphant Mr Attlee. The 1945 Election was a landslide victory for Attlee's Labour party. Britain had won the war; now the British people showed themselves determined to win the peace.